
food test中文什么意思

发音:   用"food test"造句
  • 食品检验
  • food:    n. 1.食物,食品,粮食,食料;养料。 2.精神食粮, ...
  • test:    n. 【动物;动物学】(软体类的)介壳,甲壳;【植物;植 ...
  • food additives test laboratory:    食品添加剂检测室
  • food sample test registration:    食品检验受理处
  • food:    n. 1.食物,食品,粮食,食料;养料。 2.精神食粮,材料,资料。 animal [vegetable] food 肉[素]食。 canned food 罐头食品。 mental [intellectual] food 精神食粮。 non-staple [subsidiary] food 副食品。 spiritual food 精神食粮。 food for poetry 诗的素材。 be [become] food for fishes 葬身鱼腹,淹死。 be food for worms 死亡。 food and drink 饮食。 food for powder 炮灰。 food for thought [meditation] 思考的材料。 adj. -less 缺量的,断炊的。
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  1. Why an independent food testing laboratory
  2. Updates on lunar new year food test results
  3. F devote more resources to enhance the government s capability in food testing and hygiene inspection
  4. System - the latest revolution in rapid clinical and non - clinical diagnosis and novel genetic markers to the provision of new veterinary and clinical diagnostic methods for infectious diseases and dna testing services , such as : parentage , pre - natal screening , dna fingerprinting and genetically modified food testing
  5. Various ingredients contain in food are introduced including the functions and sources of sugar , starch , fat , protein and vitamins . in addition , by conducting different food tests , visitors can have a better understanding on which kinds of food are more nutrient . besides , exhibits which are related to the theme will be selected to introduce during the museum tour



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